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Why are glycinates a superior organic source of trace minerals for dairy cattle?


Trace minerals play an important role in various metabolic functions of the body. Organic trace minerals have higher bioavailability than inorganic minerals, which means they are more easily absorbed by the body and can provide more efficient nutrition to dairy cattle, allowing them to reach their highest performance levels.

The major factors affecting the bioavailability of organic materials are size, solubility, specificity, and stability. A complex or chelate with a lower molecular weight is preferable for better bioavailability. Organic trace minerals that have low solubility in the intestine are not absorbed efficiently. The solubility of organic trace minerals generally decreases as the molecular weight of the ligand increases. Organic trace minerals with a small and specific ligand, such as a single amino acid, are more likely to be absorbed intact, resulting in higher bioavailability. Furthermore, the metal ligand complex must be stable in the digestive tract, which has a wide pH range of 2-7.

Selecting the best source of organic mineral supplementation is essential to supporting the best performance of dairy cattle. Dairy farmers should look for a source of organic trace mineral supplementation that provides the highest quality and most readily absorbable minerals to ensure their cows are receiving the optimal nutrition they require.

Glycinate mineral complex are preferred organic source of trace minerals due to their good stability, palatability, and electrical neutrality. Glycine being the lowest molecular weight amino acid favors the stability of chelate compounds and avoids the release of trace minerals in the stomach.


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