
Contribute to the well-being of animals and those who care for them.


The contribution of probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes to lowering calf mortality.


The incidence of calf mortality in India ranges from 12.5 to 30%; it may even be as high as 81% (Patbandha et al. 2017). One of the major reasons for calf mortality is diarrhoea. The economic consequences of calf diarrhoea include not only mortality but also medical expenses, time spent providing care, etc. Even if a calf survives diarrhoea, it usually results in slower growth, development of chronic illnesses, a delayed first calving, and reduced milk production.

The best course of action for a dairy farmer is to take precautions to avoid the development of calf diarrhoea on the farm. It has been demonstrated that providing probiotic supplements along with prebiotics and digestive enzymes to calves can lower their risk of developing diarrhoea and hence mortality.

The reduction of calf mortality through the incorporation of probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes centers around the promotion of a healthy gut microbiome and improved digestion in young calves. To execute this strategy effectively, farmers should select dependable, high-quality supplements explicitly designed for calves. Commencing supplementation shortly after birth is crucial, as the initial days are pivotal for establishing a robust gut microbiome. Probiotics, housing beneficial live microorganisms, enhance gut health, and should be administered to newborn calves to populate their gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics, which encourage the growth and activity of advantageous gut bacteria, are also integral. Additionally, the inclusion of digestive enzymes aids in the breakdown of complex nutrients, leading to improved nutrient absorption.

It is essential to emphasize that while probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes are valuable components in reducing calf mortality, they are just one aspect of a holistic calf-rearing program. Proper nutrition, effective management, and disease prevention are equally indispensable elements for ensuring the health and survival of young calves.


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